The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Here is a talk presented by Sir David King at the Geological Society of London, on January 7:
on the above titled subject, at the end of which the question was asked.
The Arizona Geological Survey has just realeased a new earth fissure map for Maricopa County. This map is combination of the study area maps that cover parts of the county, so it's not really anything new, just a new (and perhaps more convinient) [...]
A very important aspect of marine research is the coring of sediments. There are many ways in which sediments can be brought on board on a research vessel - through the help of a Gravity corer, a Piston corer or a Box corer. All three work with [...]
Questa tavola, che ho realizzato questa mattina (e difatti mostra tutti i limiti di un'opera fatta in fretta, in preda all'ispirazione) rappresenta un possibile modo di pesca di uno spinosaurino. La ricostruzione, basata su alcune conversazioni con [...]
GeoEye-1 satellite from 423 miles in space. byDr. Nitish PriyadarshiAbove is a photo that contains an "AFTER THE QUAKE" satellite image of Port-au-Prince taken by GeoEye-1 satellite from 423 miles in space at 10:27 am EST on Jan. 13, 2010 as it [...]
Tras el éxito en las 5as jornadas de gvSIG nos complace anunciar la publicación de este nuevo blog "no oficial" acompañado de un nuevo build de gvSIG 3D [1]!!A parte de las mejoras realizadas para las jornadas, este build presenta una [...]
Laura Hollister teaches the earth sciences at Pitman High School in Turlock, California. She attended Modesto Junior College and California State University, Stanislaus, where she earned a BS in Geology. She worked several years in the geological [...]
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti this evening, causing extensive damage to the capital , Port-au-Prince, and probably causing many casualties. The map below shows where the main shock occurred (red), as well as the epicentres of the [...]
With apologies to John Cleese and Graham Chapman and following a conversation with Jonah Choiniere:
A palaeontologist enters the collections of a major museum…
Researcher: Good Morning.
Curator: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to the National [...]
On the south end of the outcrop is this conglomerate with some very large cobbles. There are few places where this bed rests on a limestone bed full of chert nodules, and a place where the calcarenite beds rest directly on top of this bed. The [...]