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Hari Rabu kemarin telah terjadi gempa tektonik di Kepulauan Kuril, Rusia. Gempa dirasakan pada pukul 09.49 WIB, Rabu, 25 Maret 2020. Hasil analisis BMKG menunjukkan gempabumi ini memiliki parameter dengan magnitudo M=7,6. Episenter gempabumi [...]
I haven't had time to examine this new research in great detail but it looks pretty good to me (maybe one or two minor caveats). They have fitted a fairly simple mechanistic statistical model to time series data for deaths in a large number of [...]
Yeah, everybody get zoom. It works for chromebooks and old laptops running Linux. It's amazing that it works. I can never get any other Linux application working with video and sound, it requires a lot of fiddling with pulseaudio and such. [...]
Taken the other day. This is the big Facelle plant and the steam that we always see. A nice, iconic photo for our times.
, Abbildungsoriginal von Höflinger, 2015 (S. 79) - Turon, unteres Turon (Bílá-Hora-Formation) - Ort: #Hasina-Tal bei Lipenec nahe Lipno (Údolí Hasiny u
Santiago Reuil es un paleoartista argentino muy conocido en el ámbito de las reconstrucciones paleontológicas tanto en su país como en el resto de Sudamérica. Ha realizado varias exposiciones y son su trabajo propone crear reconstrucciones de [...]
Notogoneus osculus sandfish (family Gonorhynchidae) fossil displayed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA. It was found in Wyoming, USA. The fossil appears to be from the Green River Formation and dates to the Middle [...]
, - Cenoman, unteres Mittelcenoman (Meißen-Formation) - Ort:
Mene rhombeus "moonfish" fossil displayed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA. This fish could be related to modern jack and pompano fishes (carangids). It was found in Monte Bolca, Italy. The fossil dates to [...]
Eoholocentrum macrocephalum fossil displayed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, USA. This fish was a primitive acanthomorph and relates to modern squirrelfish. The large eye sockets on this fossil point to it being [...]