The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
This reversal was coined 'Indian Ocean El Nino', but it had little energy, and didn't really do anything much to the world temperatures. The effect was local.
If we had physics in the world, we would have an energy-based definition of the El Nino [...]
Dua hari ini terjadi beberapa fenomena geologi yang terjadi secara berkelanjutan mulai dari gerhana matahari cincin tanggal 21 Juni 2020, kemudian erupsi gunung merapi pada 21 Juni 2020, lalu gempa bumi yang mengagetkan warga jogja dan sekitarnya [...]
The end of an era for me. I opposed this with every ounce of feeble effort and my 10 readers. This parrot is dead.
Now, just a stone's throw to the south, the exact same people are pushing another waste disposal black hole. They will use the [...]
So, the middle son was getting married in the Ukraine because the girl is from there. That's all blown out of the water now. We've been quite lucky because we went through and the first leg to Paris was cancelled. I just followed [...]
Jeez Louise, gimme a break!
A tiny M4 to 5 shook Tulsa. Just when I was giving up on those
This is a map of the tropical plumes which are the only thing to give us 'weather'. Stagnant clear air is either really hot or really cold. Warmies don't understand that.
Anyway, we have for the first time in a month, an incursion from the [...]
Total US C19 deaths 119,719
Last five daily = [836 754 715 692 595]
Future estimates
124121 +/- 1643 = Jul 1 total (95% confidence)
133364 +/- 1643 = Aug 1
137821 +/- 1643 = Sep 1
Total world C19 deaths [...]
This image shows a crane fly insect fossil found in the Florissant Formation of Teller County, Colorado, USA. The genus might be a Tipula. It dates to the Eocene Epoch of the Paleogene Period. Thanks to Kenny for the
Dear Friends, I just posted a new virtual field trip. It is a 3-mile round trip walk on a logging road in the Chuckanut Mountains just south of Bellingham. It examines near-continuous exposures of a variety of rocks in the Chuckanut Formation. The [...]
Clathrospira subconica is another common gastropod fossil that is found in the Marble Hill Bed. It is not nearly as common as Paupospira bowdeni but good examples are not hard to find. This is another high spired, conispiraled gastropod but it is [...]