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Chuck Effing Wendig (1976) es un escritor de ciencia-ficción conocido por su reciente novela Star Wars: Aftermath (2015). También se ha dedicado al mundo del cómic (The Shield, Hyperion –creado por nuestro estimado Roy Thomas- y, el próximo [...]
Images from fieldwork this week. These are all fossils exposed on a single bedding plane in the Matmor Formation (Middle Jurassic, Callovian) exposed in Makhtesh Gadol. I found them many years ago while working through the stratigraphy near the top [...]
I could have made up a detailed geological description of the geology of this alluvial plain at the south end of the Death Valley graben. This is a geology blog, after all. But we were there in the middle of February during the most extraordinary [...]
Lots of talk about the global record temperatures that both NOAA and NASA (They do separate calculations) announced this week, but here’s something that doesn’t get as much attention, and should. Look at the graph above, it shows two [...]
Videos über diverse Erdrutsche und Bergstürze habe ich hier ja schon ein paar mal eingestellt. Ich bin der Meinung, dass gerade diese bewegten Bilder uns sehr viel über diese doch sehr rasch ablaufende Geologie erzählen können. Und das auch [...]
Yesterday (15-March-2016) an earthquake swarm took place in Askja volcano. This was an deep earthquake swarm, with deepest earthquake having the depth of 18,7 km and the shallowest earthquake with the depth of 14,9 km. The earthquake swarm … [...]
The latest storm to pass through Central California dropped 1.28 inches of rain in my backyard gauge, giving us 4.26 inches for the month of March, and about a third of a normal year's precipitation in the space of just ten days or so. By the time [...]
There were four earthquakes in northwest Arizona between March 7 and 11, ranging in size from magnitude 1.3 to 1.9.
March 7 - M=1.7
March 8 - M=1.3
March 11 - M=1.9
March 11 - M=1.7
This area of the state lies at the southern end of the [...]
When I'm out collecting I often pick up anything that looks like it might be a fossil and sometimes I know what it is while other times it just looks similar to another shell. Such is the case with Coelospira virginia. This is a very small shell [...]
Water reuse is a proven technology that can produce a drought-proof sustainable water supply. Yet historically, there has been some reluctance to adopt it here in the United States. Xylem commissioned a poll to try to better understand perceptions [...]